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I was born in a grey and pretty sad city, in the center of Italy, called Frosinone.

After 18 years, I came to Rome, the beautiful, wonderful, amazing Rome, to attend Physics classes in the University of Rome "Sapienza". Here I graduated (both Bachelor and Master) and I became a "high energy particle physicist".

Now I'm a second year PhD student in the University of Bologna, working at CERN for some months and I really would like to come back to Italy, despite everything.



Physics aside, one of my most important and powerful hobby is the photography. I took photos since I was a child, but conscientiously since I was around 16. Since I'm not so good with words (it's not a case I'm a phisicist), the photography has always helped me where I could not find the perfect words. Just to express what I enclose within me, just to let my thoughts go out, I take pictures. Photography is my solution.



I've started by myself, reading books, web pages, forums and others experiences.

Over the years, I've attended some courses about basic techniques and something like that. In this way, I could learn how to obtain what I need to explain what's inside my head.

I have different experiences of exibitions, staged in Frosinone, Rome and some places around and all of them were an important and useful way to grow up, photographically and humanely. BUT, one of the most exciting and constructive experience is the GSFP (Gruppo di Supporto per Fotografi Pigri), that's a Sara Lando's genial idea of collaboration, laboratory and "social experiment" with photography. In this group, all participants have weekly excersises in order to improve the knowledge of techniques but, most of all, the knowledge of our selves and of what we're really able to do.

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